Saturday, March 22, 2008

Melly Sweater

I am not the most up to date blogger. This is the famous Melly sweater made especially for Sydney. Check out the tales of it's creation here. This is Sydney performing for the camera...didn't you know that tilting your head is how you pose for a camera? Little minx. Have an amazing Easter. ~Susan

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Pinwheel mix

Cut and Come Again Mix
I love gardening. I haven't always had time to garden as much as I like but hopefully this year. I am currently planning my cutting garden. This time I will grow plants that I've had previous experience with. My favorite sucessful annuals(this mean they grow from seed every year) Cleome, Cosmos, Tall Snapdragons, and Zinnias. Here are a few pictures to fill your day with a little more spring. ~ Susan


Giant Violet Queen

Monday, March 10, 2008

Paint this....

I've been planning to paint my living room/kitchen for some time. I've even tried out the colors on my walls. What a surprise when my sister, Laura, brought me paint in exchange for babysitting. You know she didn't have to buy the paint but ....Yeah!!!! I'm so excited here are the sample colors on the wall.

Guacamole, Lettuce Alone, Cornmeal, and Grenadine(last two not shown) Pittsburgh Paints

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What do your kids want for breakfast?

Every morning I shake my head. When I was growing up we had oatmeal and toast for breakfast. I loved it. My favorite special treat was cream of wheat, Rice Krispies, or Honey Smacks yum, yum, and yum.

Here's how my morning goes....

"Girls what do you want for breakfast?"

I know I probably shouldn't have started asking but it's too late now.

As soon as I finish this question Paige toddles to the fridge and proceeds to bang on it. If I open it she lunges for the eggs and says EH! Until one is scrambled and at her place she watches me intensely. Even my youngest knows that I get distracted easily.

Sydney places her order depending on the produce of the day....

" Um(while staring into the fridge. Like the contents have changed from the night before. Sorry sweetie no refrigerator fairies here.) I want a salad. I think I want pickles you know the sweet ones not the spicy ones. Oh and some of those olives........... Mom, what are those salty things you put on my salad? I want six of them.(capers, yes, my little monster loves capers I have to limit her consumption which is why she asks for a certain amount.) Oh and some tomatoes."

"Syd do actually want any lettuce in this salad."

"No I want a tomato and pickle salad. But no cheese it makes it taste funny."

So here's Syd's breakfast.

Kate as usual wanted sausage. "Just sausage mom" As we all know The breakfast of champions. You have to know that I deny Kate this breakfast frequently due to time constraints and my dislike of a grease spattered skillet before 8:10 in the morning.

And that's how we start our day, every day.
Have fun in the morning! I know I will!