Sunday, May 11, 2008

A tale of eggs and Tulips...

We have had a great but busy week after the show. I'm updating this before I show you the Mother's Day Post tomorrow.
Every morning Paige climbs into bed with me. (Kate is supposedly "watching her" for me when they get up extra early) She sits next to me and has her own little conversation. Mom, Momma, Mommee, Mom, Momma, Mommee, she sings. If I try to roll over, hide my head or show any other avoidance of morning. Paige will climb on my head and yell MOM EHHH, MOM EHHH!!! This will graduate into a full scale screaming tantrum on the floor if I don't talk her down quickly. As Melly says,"Save some of that for later little sister."It took me a few days of Paige kicking and screaming before I figured that tantrum out. She wants EGGS. I keep them hard boiled in the fridge and she only wants the whites. Go figure one kid wants sausage, one salad, and the littlest egg whites.

This weeks accomplishments.
Birds nest discovery last weekend 3 eggs. Checked again on Tuesday and we have FOUR!!! Hard to explain to Paige that she really can't touch them and definitely can't eat them. Robins eggs are so pretty and almost turquoise painted finger in photo mine to show scale.

Science Fair Project on Tornadoes by Kate(She did a great job. That girl has some skills.)Paige and Sydney played together for a long time. When Kate got off the bus they taught her how to roll down the dip in our middle yard. Hilarious.
Henke's over for craft day....FUN, FUN, FUN! When it started raining they kept playing outside. Kate was smart and got everyone mismatched sweaters, jackets, hats etc. Katie Henke and I both made progress on craft projects we'd been putting off.
Planting more seeds in pots and some outside.
Fertilized new growth.
I also transplanted the remaining tomato plants to bigger pots.(Of my original 36 plants only 17 made it through my cats, mice, and other creatures.)
John painted a second coat in the studio.
I signed up for an Apron Swap. I'm so excited.
Laura and I went fabric looking for her apron swap creation.
Macy, Hanna, and Sydney and I went to the Science Fair at school.
I had Skrappaper Friends over for a Friday night Crop.
Jennifer Hayes and my sister Laura came over on Saturday. Lots of work completed on their parts. Some work completed on my end. I personally think my Mother's Day cards Rock! So the Sister Missionaries came over and made two cards each for their mom's. John took the girls all day on an adventure to complete the photography part of a project with Kate. It was heavenly around here.
Oh yeah and John took some rocking photos of flowers and children. I just love how he caught Paige peeking around my leg. I show you his Mother's Day Masterpiece tomorrow.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


So I haven't blogged for a while. The girls were in "Oliver",with their favorite director Miss Jone' of Theatre Kidz Inc. Met lots of great, talented kids and I became reacquainted with old friends. Kate had a lot of fun telling people that this was her 14th show. I just can't believe how fast time flies.
By the fourth and final performance, this particular parent was DONE. I was tired. I wanted to not see a green room full of children for a long, long time.(No the room's not green!) I knew what my assingment was for strike, collect and bag all props. Jone' had us all organized. The kids had just finished their final bows, starting to trickle through back stage on their way out to see all of their fans, when a loud noise split the air.
Oh, for the love of a Pete! Not the fire alarm. My first thought was which kid did it? Nice, right! Definitely not looking on the brighter side of things. My second thought was where's Sydney? I went through the theatre. I looked backstage. NO Sydney in sight.
You might ask if I was worried about Kate? No, I knew that Kate would take care of herself. That child of mine has a great sense of self preservation. I was sure I would find her telling the other children her age exactly how to get out of the building. Syd on the other hand likes to cuddle her knees, hide her head and cry. She sits in her room and cries, she sits in the kitchen and cries, it doesn't matter if she's sad, angry, or really mad she just cries. Okay maybe moaning is more appropriate term in some situations. That's just the way Syd rolls.
So me what do I do while this all runs through my head? Well I kept looking for her, in between the seats, behind the curtains, in the green room, no Syd. I had to leave the building without her. I was panicking. Panick attacks aren't fun. I just plain don't like them and I hope that you never have had or have one. At least there was a cause for this one.

I went outside and started looking through the actors. Saw Kate right away, for her this was an adventure. Remember when things like fire drills were fun? Still no Syd. Then the crowd parted and I saw her in the middle of a group of older girls.
Of course Miss Megan who is only a Freshman, a big sister to three wild, fun and crazy brothers, a talented singer, dancer, and actor had her. I got teary eyed. I hugged Syd to me. Relief is such a great feeling. I thanked the girls, I thanked God, I was in a great state of thanks. We heard the fire trucks coming. Everything was fine, no fire. The set strike continued after the building was released for use.

Megan came up to me later and said "Oh, Miss Susan I forgot to tell you what Syd said. She was hiding her head sitting on stage(see I know my girl) and I went to pick her up. She said,Thank you for picking me up. I was scared that I was going to trip on my skirt and fall. Then the fire would lick me and eat me all up." Thank goodness for kindhearted kids like Miss Megan. There is nothing like a little drama to end a great show.

Our workhouse child, waifelike isn't she?

Workhouse child and Fagin's boy Kate was great!

All pictures courtesy of Charlene. I didn't have time to grab my purse on the way out, actually I didn't even bring my camera on Sunday. What a slacker.

Where was Paige? The little monster was home with John since I can't keep her off the stage. A big thanks to John for tending the tyrant while I was gone this weekend.