Saturday, February 28, 2009
Seed Swap
Apparently Toledoans love to garden. I was lucky enough to volunteer at the childrens table with Miss Regina from the Toledo Museum of Arts Family Center. Thanks Jennifer for watching/waiting in line with the girls!!! We decorated pots with lick and stick paper, planted radishes in them and marked them with the cute flower markers.
We saw a lot of friends at the swap. My dad was there and helped the girls "shop" for seeds. Dad was definitely in his element. We all had a great time and brought home a lot of seeds. Now the girls want to know when we can garden.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Things I've learned about myself over the last two weeks...

Thursday, February 5, 2009
A typical day...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Who's that girl?
This is the girl I love to see every morning!
Here we see the face Kate gives her parents when we make her mad, embarrass her, or ask her any questions she doesn't want to answer. I love this photo and felt compelled to record it for posterity's sake. It's nice to have both views...wonder if my dad has any incriminating evidence on me? Love you little Miss Kate.
P.S. After much confusion it was discovered that John took these photos. I love them thanks John!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Three legged kitten has lost his????
I was greatly entertained when Blackberry tried sneak into the girls lap trays after they had a snack today. He almost fits minus the one leg. You would never know he had major surgery just a week ago! He couldn't seem to figure out how to attack all the little gold fish crumbs and fit his head in far enough to eat them all at the same time. This quest kept him busy for quite a while and he was incredibly disgusted when he discovered not goldfish crumbs, but hard, dry, playdough crumbs. Sorry buddy, they just don't taste the same.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Love is in the air...
I love Paige's little curly-Q's.
My sassy little Sydney has two, count them TWO hearts on her earrings. She is very, very happy with the result. I guess love isn't in the air...I'd have to say it's on our ears. I know I'm so witty. Have fun and find something "lovely" to brighten your day!