Thursday, April 30, 2009
Happy May Day!!!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Our very little "Orchard"
So, I was busy, busy, busy! Thursday I predug a hole for use on Friday. Friday before we went to Zero Landfill John pruned a lilac bush that was half dead...the trick? He used his saws all(everyone take note that this only works if you have a dead tree or want a dead tree!) Everyone knows powertools are much more fun than regular old pruning. I dug up the remaining portion of the bush which suddenly decided to split, (oops!) and become two bushes. We manhandled them to the front yard and tucked them in.
Later in the afternoon I decided where I wanted the trees exactly...John checked my spacing...dwarf trees need to be eight feet apart...and then his tape measure literally fell apart. But I was amazed that placement by eye was absolutely perfect. John tilled two widths with the rototiller. Then it was my turn to dig the holes, mix horse manure in with the soil for fertilizer, plant the trees and then water. The trees, three in total came together in a five foot tall box with bare roots. This necessitated rehydrating the trees in a large bucket of water for a few hours which I did remember to start in the morning. My hilarious moment...the horse manure was by my back garden...I took the wheelbarrow and shoveled it all in.(Thanks again to Sissy the horse and Miss Charlene for her horse manure delivery service!) I felt the handle starting to is a very very old wheelbarrow but made it to the "orchard" with no disasters! As I made the manure delivery to the third and final hole it snapped. One handle completely G-O-N-E gone. Honestly I break things all the time! Syd wanted to know why I was holding the wheel barrow funny when I put it away. I picked up the handle waved it in the air...her eyes lit up and she smiled her little minxlette smile...OHHHHHHHHH! Yep sweetie, mom's done it again. Really my ability to drop, break, rip, bruise etc. have become legendary. That's one seriously good skill....right????
The definition of an orchard is, "An intentional planting of trees or shrubs maintained for food production." Of course I looked up the definition! A girl has to know that she's using the correct terminology in her garden. We planted three trees, found has been claimed by each girl. I love that they have "their own" tree. You'll love how very TALL(that's a joke just take a gander) the trees are compared to each girl. (Kate, sweetie, your photo didn't turn out we'll take one after school tomorrow!) You think I'm nuts? My dad had 18??? (right dad?) yes EIGHTEEN fruit trees, two grape arbors and a vegetable garden in his little backyard.
Paige with "her tree" the 2 in 1 Pie Apple Tree which is cool because there are two varieties of apples grafted on this tree. Grannysmith and Arkansas Black...ripen in late September/early October and they will pollinate the other, also keep in cold storage for 10 months.Sydney with her Golden Delicious...YUMMMMY. I remember eating these fresh of the tree growing up. I absolutely HAD to have these in our "orchard." Ripens late September.
"Kate's tree" is a Honeycrisp apple. It is a newer variety but crisp, sweet and yummy. Ripens early September. Kate's photo will be posted ASAP.
There is something amazing about growing your own fruit! It's a little bit of a Miracle watching a flower turn into a delicious fall treat. So try some berry plants and if you're feeling brave maybe a tree or two.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Stop by on any of the available Fridays, to pick up quality artistic supply items.
RSVP is not required, please bring your own bags or boxes.
Zerolandfill is an all volunteer pilot program.
Four Consecutive Fridays
April 24, May 1, May 8, and May 15
12noon-6pm each Friday
1301 Adams Street
Toledo Ohio, 43604
ZeroLandfill Toledo is also accepting electronics! We will take: Computers, Monitors, Laptops, Printers, Copiers, Typewriters, Faxes, Scanners, VCRs, DVDs, Main Frames, Servers, Keyboards/Mice, Batteries, UPSs, APCs, Phones, Phone Systems and Ballasts. We WILL NOT take: Televisions or Appliances.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Pioneer Garden...
Photo by Missouri Extension Office
The funniest thing I heard all day was little Miss Sydney yelling with her sing songy vioce across the wide open grass field at the geese."Hey all of you geeses guess what?...I've got your feather, I've got your feather...You can't have it back...try to come and get it... You can't have it back...Nanenanenana."
Raking is fun when I make a pile and someone else comes and takes it away me. I was definitely enjoying tidying up and then leaving it for the staff to come and clean up! You think I can talk John or Kate into being my ground crew?
This photo was the highlight of the day. My littlest girls were running everywhere and holding hands. This miraculous behavior of went on for the entire three hours we were there. I brought nothing for them to do and didn't tell them about lunch until it was time to eat. They were so happy, capital H-A-P-P-Y. I might have had a tear in my eye. Yep, definitely a tear, but only one and I promise I didn't use my dirty hands to wipe it off my face. I have to keep up the appearances that I'm a neat person for at least a month before I forget my company manners and revert to my true self.
P.S. - The parsnips were a big hit at dinner.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Dig it???
You would think that years of gardening, little brothers, and the tutorial the book and movie by the same name... and so loved by the Rapplings over and over again last summer.. would have been enough.

Classic hole digging error number one not moving the dirt far enough back so you won't have to redig it when making the hole bigger....
Error number two...really trust me flats, even if they are made for walking definitely aren't made for digging.
Error number my yard when you dig three feet will create a pond and not a hole. Who knew?
After I had been digging for twenty minutes and silently cursing my own stupidity in choice of hole location and footwear, Miss Kathryn danced up...
"So mom, you feeling like you're in the movie yet?"
So this is for you Miss Kate....and don't think I didn't notice that you had three mud related incidents today! That's my girl.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sydney while hopping on one foot and pointing at her ears- "Yeah. EARS!!!"
While pointing at himself. "Noooooo you can't...DAD!!!"
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I know it's coming....
they can always use another pair of helping hands and gardeners are generally great people. I went Tuesday morning for three hours and planted around 1800 little seeds in very small individual containers 282 seeds per flat. Had fun while meeting at least ten other enthusiastic gardneners. Next week I get to work in the Shade Garden and spend time on the County Extension Hotline....can't wait.
Yes these yummy delicious vegetables are all from my garden...with one exception the purple onions. Didn't grow them last year...will grow them this year.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Living Room...
This scripture is one of my favorite's. I've wanted it on the wall cut out half of it in white when I realized that it didn't show up on the wall AT ALL. I started over going on a hunt for affordable vinyl and found a ten foot roll of brown vinyl at ScrapHappy in Tiffin $7.50. Thanks for still having a store Miss Susie!!!! SOOO with a lot of trial and error. Viola! If you try to attempt this don't forget your level....and maybe a level to check that level. Insert laughter here....don't worry my kids will get my crazy humor. Side note.... Before anyone gets any ideas of having me come over and slap a phrase up on their wall. I took a couple of hours painstakingly spacing out my letters just the way I wanted them. I'll help you cut it out but after that you're on YOUR OWN!