The Halloween after party included Pizza. Usually chili but some traditions are made to be broken... movies for the girls and Wii for the grownups. I loved it. Frisbee, archery, sword fights. All this fun playing against some of my favorite people... Adam, Eileen, and Laura. Really way to much fun. I almost took Paige's head off while sword fighting with Adam. Adam got to win so he was happy. The girls ended up watching the adults for their entertainment. Apparently we were more fun to watch than their movie. John stayed the resposible non Wii playing adult just to make sure we actually left at a reasonable hour. So glad I don't have a Wii I might not ever get anything done in the real world.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Trick or treat
Friday, October 30, 2009
Stranahan treats and chior concerts...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sunshine changes my perspective...
Foggy morning at the gardens...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Trunk or Treat...
Pouring rain will not deter small children from Trunk or Treat!
Games, fun, food, and grown ups dressed in great costumes and free candy. What more could a Rappling ask for?
My favorite was watching the girls eat cookies off of a string without touching it. Hilarious!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Today I worked outside. Usually the end of October means chilly days and even chillier nights.
These are the sights I enjoyed today while painting my table. My beautiful sweet shrub bush. The blue blue sky.
Beautiful day.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Cameron and test scores...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Monday night Sydney found it on the bookshelf and brought it to me to read...we read every night. The memories just seeing the cover brought back made me happy. I love to hear my girls laugh. I needed to tell Kate to zip it. She kept trying to tell the punch lines before Sydney got a chance to think about the joke. Here were the Sydney's top three favorites.

When is a farmer mean?
When he pulls the ears off the corn.
When he pulls the ears off the corn.
What happens to ducks that fly upside down?
They quack up.
What do you call a crate full of ducks?
A box of quackers.
I hope they made you smile as much as they made Sydney smile!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Some Sunday...

Church was uplifting. Great Sacrament meeting talks, my Sunday School class was as usual fun...I am the teacher you know? L. Miller your Relief Society Lesson was rockin good. My turn next week! Took Esther home from church and noticed the beautiful foliage. Esther loves the red trees they make her especially happy.
One of my favorite places to visit are the Toledo Memorial Gardens in Sylvania. I grew up taking vacations that were arranged around stopping at cemetaries to conduct genealogy research so I've always found them peaceful welcoming places. We visit there to see Gavin. Usually we all go together as a family. Today it was just Sydney and I on our little adventure. I had to stop because the cemetary is stunningly beautiful in the fall and I didn't want to miss a chance of capturing the fall leaves against cerulean blue sky. Sydney had lots of questions about this little brother she never met and can't remember she was only one at the time. It was nice to talk with her one on one. Her perspective is completely different from Kate's who vividly remembers the loss of her baby brother. This all reminded me of this article Candice had sent to me long ago that gave me a small measure of comfort and understanding. I never thought I would feel peace sitting in the cemetary but today I did. I'm thankful for the opportunity I had to have this trial. Gavin made me a better person. I've become a more compassionate friend. I have increased in faith and hope. So today I am thankful for this little boy that I was able to carry for five months and hold for a few minutes. For him and from him I've learned many things and for that I will be eternally grateful.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Sweetest Day...
Thanks to Uncle Jim for making another Sweetest Day, well sweet. If you're one of Uncle Jim's favorite girls you receive roses on Sweetest Day. It's tradition. I had forgotten the day when he magically appeared with not only roses for me, but a single rose for each of the girls. Paige promptly popped the rose of it's stem. Then demanded I glue it back on. Sounds like Paige right? Here's our sweetest day happiness. We love you too Uncle Jim.

Sunday, October 11, 2009
So I've got this thing for mushrooms. I love them they are know fungi. Come on Kate you knew I was going to go there. Anyway I can be found on the ground doing portraits of my newest discoveries way, way to often. John doesn't even ask anymore. Paige after much stress on my part has learned to wait until I'm done before she will either pick or stomp all over my formerly cute mushrooms. "Mom are you ready?"

This is Paige's creation, she started lining up pine cones and then announced that this was her piano. Cute little thing. Then she wanted to know where the pine nuts were. Really I've only bought those with her ONE time and now she's taking pine cones apart to find them.

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Gust Brothers Farm...

Always love the sunny days at the pumpkin patch....brings out the ladybugs.

Paige does have a sweet and gentle side...
maybe that bunny knows something I don't.
Sydney thought the feed trough looked like a great place to play.

That was the end of our pumpkin picking adventures. Much more pumpkin fun to come....we will have to carve them you know.
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