By special request we volunteered at the gardens today. Not normally there on Saturday's but there were so many willing volunteers we just had to let them volunteer. This is the zany crew, minus Miss Jodi, that worked at the Botanicals today. We had a great time planting in the Pioneer and AAS Gardens. I also discovered that Elder Wozniak has great mound building skills. He can plant cucurbits like no one I've ever met. Really seriously mad skills. Elder Carter has been hiding his great design skills....I've never seen a more beautiful spiral planting of celery. Never.

While the adults were working the girls went on an adventure. These are just two of the beautiful photos that Kate shot today. They will be going up on our wall in the living room.
The girls went hunting for gingko saplings to help Mr. Matt make into a bonsai forest. The hunting was pretty easy since the gingko's are growing prolifically under the gingko tree.
Here's the catch! Lots of little saplings.
I forgot to get a photo of the finished gingko forest.
This is Faith's view from the golf cart. Love it. What you can't feel is the wind blowing through your hair or hear the girls giggling like mad the entire way to the greenhouse. Love kids, love them.