Monday, November 17, 2008

Please be patient Susan's life is currently experiencing technical difficulties.


CANDACE said...

we are praying for y'all! <3

M2 (Melissa) said...

Susan - I love this! You are in our prayers - call me and I will do whatever you need!

Creative Minx said...

Susan, I am here for you. Even if you DON'T want to ask, ask me anyway! A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G Sister. Much Love, Miss Jennifer

Live well, Laugh often, Love much ~Maria said...

This is a test! And how do you know it's a test? Cuz it completely sucks! :)

The prayers continue in your behalf...need anything else?

Leslie said...

Dear friend, please do not worry about tapping out your friends. You and Jon are wonderful people and have plenty of loyal and loving friends to prove it. I am here, only a phone call away, I pray for Jon's continued recovery and for your mental recovery! LOL!
Tell Paige and Sydney that Michael is missing them very much.
Love to you, Leslie