You will need to provide the class fee $35 in advance(due the 21st Jan. or 14th Feb.)
....contact me about payment by email.
A small stapler and staples - for the ribbon or brads and a Paper Piercing tool if you want to get FANCY!
ADHESIVE - and lots of it. Repositionable is helpful but not required it's up to you. I will not have any available at the class for you to use.
We will have lots of fun at our workshop! Believe me it's fun to make scalloped edges, which you will, while talking, laughing and coordinating the paper and ribbons for the various months. The paper used above will not be available it's two years old and not in my new packs. If you already have a corner rounder one will still be included in the class and the class price, including multiple kits that you order...but would make a wonderful gift to another crafty friend. Hope to hear from you soon. ~Susan
I so would love to do this but Basketball games and cheerleading start that day. Darn! stinking kids and all their stuff. Oh well I'll have to come another time.
Nice job sister!!!! Way to get back out there and do your thing!
Love your face!
I'm there. I'm so glad you are teaching a class!
I emailed you. I really really want to do this class, but it probably won't be until February.
What kind of adhesive do I need to bring? And where should I get this? (Like be very specific, like brand and type, please. It's been awhile since I've scrapped.....)
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