Monday, March 23, 2009

Funny Day

Syd - "Damn I can't find it."
Kate - "Mom!!!!!"
Me - "What NOW?"
Kate - "Sydney's well you know saying a bad word."
Me - "Which one?"
Syd - "I don't know?"
Kate - "She really said it mom."
Syd - "I'm not lying."
Me - "Sweetie just tell me exactly what you said."
Syd - "I said Damn I can't find say it too mom, right?"
Me - "Yes Syd I guess I do but can you remind me not to? By the way that is a bad word."
Syd - "Okay I wasn't lying...I just didn't know it was a bad word okay?"

1. This tells me I loose things WAY to often.
2. Really, haven't I learned to pay attention to what I'm SAYING YET. She isn't my first set of little ears.
3. Sisters, really we love to tell our parents everything our sister has done wrong.

My other laughter for the day....
Me - "I can't find my bag of horse radish I really need it." I didn't say the infamous D word this time.
Syd - "Well mom if it was horse....maybe the cat's ate it."
Yep, the cats ate it!!! I don't know what she thought I had lost! After my hysterical laughter subsided I explained what horse radish actually is and that the lost bag contained starts that I was going to plant in our garden. I actually saw the aha lightbulb turn on in her head.

List of things to do today....
1. make cards
2. box up old clothes
3. Clear kitchen table
4. Vinyl lettering for living room walls.
5. Start on a dessert for mom's graduation party.

Okay so I made the cards and I bought boxes since I was out of empties.....well that's about all I got done on my to dos. Things not on my list, excercise-check, family prayer -check, scripture study mine and girls - check, straighten studio - check, library - check, breakfast, lunch, and dinner - check, making sure that the girls survived bedtime - check, taking care of Paige's first wake up of the night - check, study for OMG classes tomorrow - check.....Now it's off to bed.


Creative Minx said...

You're a great person Susan. I'm glad you're in my life.

lmillercrew said...

HULARIOUS friend!!! I love my little Sydney :D We need to get togther and that's my fault. Good luck on your OMG test tomorrow!!!

Anonymous said...

I didnt say "well you know" I just said " sydney's saying a bad word"