The mission, if I chose to accept it, was to visit three historic sites, three natural sites and two contemporary sites in Ohio. The message was delivered via a syllabus and would not self destruct in any amount of time, but the task needed to be completed by June 18, 2009 and time was running short. As the deadline grew near I decided to enlist the assistance of a top notch team of road trippers (my wife and three daughters) and we set out to see just how many sights we could indeed see. Supplies for this mission we few. We had one van, one full tank of gas and a half full box of granola bars. Armed with Google map directions and an Ohio road map and little money, we set out for a day long adventure. The date was June 12, 2009 and the team was briefed on the mission. We would arrive at each destination, take a few pictures, enjoy and then speed away to the next location. There was to be no complaining or whining from the team or they would be left behind or reprimanded when we returned to base camp and sequestered to their barracks (translated: when we get home they would be sent to their room for the night).
Oak Openings is an amazing metro park. We went on an adventure to see the sand dunes a great favorite with the girls.

Yep...John Rapp, he has skills.

Awwww... I love when they are nice to each other!
Sydney and I got a lot of hand holding in too.

Want to learn more about this amazing area? Here's a great link.

to guess how high they would come on the rock
with the waves and insisted I sit down....
Not pushing each other off the edge or anything.
I was waiting for Sydney's shoes to drop into the waves,
slip-ons might not have been the best choice
"Mom when can we go fishing?
What about tomorrow?
Do you think we can come back?"
Yeah, fishing one thing I don't know how to do
East Harbor State Park...I expected the water to be cold,(which is why we don't have swimsuits for the girls) but it wasn't! The beach is shallow, at most knee deep, out to the breakers 250 to 300 feet out. Much fun for little girlies.
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