Miss Kathryn in the proud new owner of a violin!
She's been in Ochestra for two weeks. She's proud to say that she's learned Twinkle Twinkle working with a borrowed instrument at school. She loves that her's is new and "sparkly". I told her I'm expecting lessons! Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Wibbeler for the amazingly wonderful gift of music.
This amazing miracle was found when Paige started picking apples off dad's tree and pitching them over the Heinemann's fence. Of course I got distracted by this amazing little guy working so hard on the bottom of the fence. Paige wanted to "help him." We sat and watched him for a while B-E-A-utiful.

oooh...tell kate to please let me know when there is a recital or show. i <3 me some string instruments! :)
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