Sydney doesn't like shots. Not at all. I had to keep Kate from saying Huswavian and the s-h-o-t word. This worked until we were in line and another big sister was teasing her little brother about his shot. The tears started. First they were tears of quiet desperation. About an hour into the line as we drew closer to the front the sobbing started. She wanted to get the Huswavian. She didn't care how sick it would make her. There was some serious bargaining going on. By the time we reached the desk to log in she was flailing around like a fish out of water. Good note of the entire Huswavian event...we knew through the garden and Mr. Matt the lovely Miss Gehring who was checking us in. It was nice to recognize one person in the mass of humanity I was in line with. It was driving me a little crazy that Paige was fine and Sydney was having a complete panic attack. I was T-I-R-E-D. Kate was a big help and kept hold of all the paperwork and cards since I was carrying a flailing Sydney and trying to keep a hand on a very confused Paige.
The woman administrating the shots announced, "Next." and took one look at Sydney, shook her head and rolled her eyes. I asked her if she thought she could handle this? Said nurse was a little offended to be asked that particular question. But yes she could handle this. Then she told me that the girls could only have the live virus intranasal vaccine. I was miffed and worried since I had planned on the shots not wanting a live virus to spread on to John. So I started asking questions. That made my nurse sigh. You know the sigh. It's the one you give the 50th customer who asks the same question about if you have the hardest to find item the day after Thanksgiving. Okay, really, I know I'm allowed to ask questions. "Mam, I can't tell you what will happen. Here's this sheet you can take it home and read it, but do you want your turn or not?" This nurse and I are definitely not on friendly terms. Sydney proceeded to act like major surgery was being performed without anesthetic. Finally girls all done. Mom got her shot and I was beyond relieved to be leaving. Syd was fine. Now Paige was mad and kicking at every inanimate object and family member who got in her way. It was a long, long walk back down the hallway to get out. 
The magic promise of a Happy Meal and a visit to see Cyggy, the not so little baby swan, at the Botanicals was what kept Paige on good behavior. So off we went. Kate announced once we arrived that I must just require nature. Yes, yes I do. I need to be outside. I love the sun, the clouds, rain, snow, whatever, just please let me out. Lines in the department of health or crazy crowded rooms with no organization are a particular torture aimed to send me to a mental institution. I had done both for the past four hours and was so happy to be free. The girls had fun visiting with the swans...Martha and Cyggy came up for a visit.
Miss Martha has bold streak in her when it comes to little girls and cheeseburgers. Mr. Phillip stopped to talk with the girls about the swans and gave the girls a bagel to feed to the swans just this once. Okay, so really don't feed the birds at the Botanicals. They don't need food and my girls know that this is not allowed. They also know Mr. Phillip is the boss and serious about the rules. To the girls this was magic. They got to feed Cyggy. Times like this makes me remember that behind every cloud the sun is still shining. 
Side note... when you leave a beach ball out in the yard it becomes art at the Botanical Gardens.
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