Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's been a while....

If you haven't spoken to me recently I've been a little..... well, busy this year. My gift to myself, restoring a small piece of my sanity, keeping my blog. The Rapplings and I are always having adventures. When I don't record my days I forget all of the hilarious parts and focus on the smallish things that go wrong. So here's to keeping an accurate record of what goes wrong and right over the next many days.
This is a completely edited, for time and sanity, list of things that happened since I last posted in May.
I asked John for a dissolution.
Took the girls camping on my own.
Came home to CSB interviews.
Extreme home makeover on the girls rooms....thanks to all of my amazing friends and parents.
Found a job.
Started said job, with Americorps, serving at ToledoGROWs.
Started 13 credit hours
Received a dissolution.
Completed fall semester and did well.
Spent most of December with sick children and then a very sick self.
Nope I won't discuss the details. Does it really matter? What matters, is now. So on with the show....


Kirk said...

Well, Susan --
I can only say *wow!* That's quite a half year! But I've got to tell you, I am totally pleased that you haven't focused on only unpleasant stuff! There's Wisdom there! :)
Love You!

Amy said...

Glad to have you back to blogging. May your 2011 be one of better times.