The advent calendar was my take on the Calendar Book assignment for the Pine Cone Press Bookclub I host. Perfect excuse to get to finally use the fun idea I found on Two Peas in a Bucket a couple of years ago. I've had more than my share of oops on this project. First rule if it looks good let it go, don't try to fix it. I could have just laminated the pieces but no I didn't think that would be shiny enough. Next rule don't apply diamond glaze without a heavy backing on your pieces or else it will curl...duh, I really did know that. Third, don't apply diamond glaze to the back(to help them curl the other way...really it sounded good at the time) of your pieces and walk away. Typical mom emergencies, "Kate won't let me watch KID shows Mom","But Mom she always watches kids shows can I play on the computer then?" "No I want to play on the computer she can't!!!" Oh and Paige needed a diaper change, juice and then they all wanted lunch. Upon going back to my previously pretty pieces I discovered some of the glaze had dripped off and stuck to the cookie sheet. I'm relatively creative so I took my craft knife to remove the pieces very carefully. Nope careful didn't help. After much patience and embellishing with buttons and the dew drops from Robin's nest my calendar was done. My daughters love it and you will see our daily updates here.
Winter Snow me this means don't get the girls hopes up! How many times are we promised at least three inches and only get 1/4 inch. I love snow as much as they do. So, to our surprise John went to the grocery store for 30 minutes and just before he came home we saw it SNOW actually sticking on the ground. Paige doesn't remember snow so she was amazed by this miracle. Kate ran out in the driveway in her jeans and coat and started making snow angels. Little Miss Sydney was busy catching it on her tongue...thank goodness she didn't try to lick the old well pump! Check out the slide show on the top left and I hope for you that it feels a little like Christmas today! ~Susan
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