My girls make me laugh! I have a friend who sends out the best letters for Christmas that include "The Best of" Qoutes from her boys. I've never remembered to write them all down. Well Miss Sydney has been on a roll.
We caught her playing dress up and took a couple of photos.
"Can I get a little help in here?" Look at who we found!
Today I laid down for 15 minutes until Kate got off of the bus. Sydney was told to be quite since John and Paige were asleep. When you're four it's hard to be quiet, hey my girls can't even walk quiet. So I expected her to wake Paige up at any second. I saw her go into the bathroom and then for a couple of minutes I heard a lot of jumping. I opened the door to peek in and see what was going on. She was doing the potty dance! Leotard on under her t-shirt....bouncing and saying "I hope someone comes to help me...I hope someone comes to help me!" Poor kid. After we took care of the major crisis I couldn't stop giggling. At least I know she listens sometimes!
My friend, Jean sent me a funny Utube video about Mom's. You may have heard it before but every time I see it I laugh more. Kate overheard me listening and thought it was sooooo funny. "Mom that's you!" I said, "No honey that's ALL moms." Thank goodness for creative moms who can let us all know that we are normal. So have a Jolly Holly Christmas and have a good laugh today. I know I did!
Too funny. It must be the week for little girls to get stuck in boxes. I wasn't quick enough to think about getting a photo of our extraction...
I love that Kate is wearing the hat! :)
It's nice keeping up with you this way, friend.
I. Miss. You.
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