On the way home from church Miss Esther mentioned how much she enjoys the lights with snow on them. We avoided an accident on the interstate and went home via Holland Sylvania. Hence a quick stop, I mean about 8 minutes, at "The Botanicals." Dressy flats aren't my usual shoe of choice for snow, definitely not practical for a photo shoot. I even let Kate out to play with her new camera. Here are the results. Esther was so very thrilled. With comments of "It's just beautiful. Oh my how gorgeous. I just love this garden." I'll have to create a little book just for her with a bunch of the botanical garden photos from this year.

Miss Kathryn is absolutely my girl.

This great arrangement is on the drive side of the fun house. Yes it's called the fun house that isn't at Susanism. No I don't know why it's called the fun house... some things just are what they are. Paige was frantically trying to escape her five harness seatbelt, sure that Miss Judy was there. I won, she stayed in her seat, mostly due to the carseats sturdiness not my amazing parenting skills.

Grass seed head on the median in the garden. Remember bad shoes equals no foraging through the gardens. Paige saw this and wanted to know what that Caterpillar was doing out in the snow.

This bark is the tree by the garden forum, or the first building on the right as you enter "the Botanicals"

After all the photography I took Esther home. She suggested I might want to get the girls home before they would need a whippin'. Really the girls had gone nuts! The peace of Esther's group home must have quite a relief after a car ride with the Rapplings.

Took them home, fed them....very important with cranky children, then movies for the rest of the night. All was well.
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