Nope, still had three days of standing water in the sink was getting gross. Yes we had drained out what we could by hand. Plumber to the rescue he opened up the U trap to drain the water. All was well until the water that was in the outgoing pipe, you know the one that goes into the wall and under the house, decided to perform a reverse tidal wave. Mr. Ryan caught most of it in the bucket but in a freak accident(which happen around here all the time!) the bucket toppled onto his lap. Oh poor man. He was soaked. Needless to say the water shouldn't have come back out the way it did. So he started to snake the line. He couldn't find any obstructions while reeling back in the line it twisted around his hand placing an large metal splinter in his ring finger. He didn't say anything until he was done. I am always ready for emergency medical procedures. I did balk when he asked to use Tilex on his wound, which is bleach just so you know. We went outside to use the faucet. I was armed with bleach, alcohol, towels and hydrogen peroxide. He was worried about using my towels to clean off his hands. Really? I was wondering how I would make it up to the poor injured and very wet man. After refusing the Strawberry Shortcake bandaid, sorry we're all out of manly band aids right now. He applied new plastic gloves and crawled under my house. Turns out the entire line from the sink to the main line was filled with sludge and needed to be replaced. So Mr. Ryan went home and out came Mr. Nick to replace the line. When he was finished I rejoiced in the fact that my sink was finally empty. So very thankful for plumbing that works. Okay it's not really working but I am allowed to was my dishes.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Paige's perspective...
So I've taught Paige how to use the camera. It's better to have taught her how to use it than sneak and break it. I try to supervise but she's quick, tricky, but actually careful with the camera. We were decorating the gardens today. With greenery, bittersweet, birch branches whatever Mr. Matt and the rest of the staff could find. The Americorp workers are a lot of fun so you'll see peeks of them and Miss Mary, my wintertime partner in crime, in Paige's photos.
Later we got to meet more of the staff of Mr. Rooter Plumbing. Ryan the plumbing boss came out. He spent hours here...on my roof and digging around. The major discovery was that the main line was blocked for a good 15 feet, almost the entire length of pipe to my septic tank. Next is a photo of how to properly climb a roof.
Not how I climbed the roof in January to check out the same drain vent. That experiment ended in my sliding down and almost off the roof. Mail man thought the spectacle was hilarious. John, who had just had major lung surgery, just shook his head and tried to talk me down. Me not doing roofs again....ever! Mr. Ryan cleaned everything out up to the break in the line and told me my sink should have drained.
Nope, still had three days of standing water in the sink was getting gross. Yes we had drained out what we could by hand. Plumber to the rescue he opened up the U trap to drain the water. All was well until the water that was in the outgoing pipe, you know the one that goes into the wall and under the house, decided to perform a reverse tidal wave. Mr. Ryan caught most of it in the bucket but in a freak accident(which happen around here all the time!) the bucket toppled onto his lap. Oh poor man. He was soaked. Needless to say the water shouldn't have come back out the way it did. So he started to snake the line. He couldn't find any obstructions while reeling back in the line it twisted around his hand placing an large metal splinter in his ring finger. He didn't say anything until he was done. I am always ready for emergency medical procedures. I did balk when he asked to use Tilex on his wound, which is bleach just so you know. We went outside to use the faucet. I was armed with bleach, alcohol, towels and hydrogen peroxide. He was worried about using my towels to clean off his hands. Really? I was wondering how I would make it up to the poor injured and very wet man. After refusing the Strawberry Shortcake bandaid, sorry we're all out of manly band aids right now. He applied new plastic gloves and crawled under my house. Turns out the entire line from the sink to the main line was filled with sludge and needed to be replaced. So Mr. Ryan went home and out came Mr. Nick to replace the line. When he was finished I rejoiced in the fact that my sink was finally empty. So very thankful for plumbing that works. Okay it's not really working but I am allowed to was my dishes.
Nope, still had three days of standing water in the sink was getting gross. Yes we had drained out what we could by hand. Plumber to the rescue he opened up the U trap to drain the water. All was well until the water that was in the outgoing pipe, you know the one that goes into the wall and under the house, decided to perform a reverse tidal wave. Mr. Ryan caught most of it in the bucket but in a freak accident(which happen around here all the time!) the bucket toppled onto his lap. Oh poor man. He was soaked. Needless to say the water shouldn't have come back out the way it did. So he started to snake the line. He couldn't find any obstructions while reeling back in the line it twisted around his hand placing an large metal splinter in his ring finger. He didn't say anything until he was done. I am always ready for emergency medical procedures. I did balk when he asked to use Tilex on his wound, which is bleach just so you know. We went outside to use the faucet. I was armed with bleach, alcohol, towels and hydrogen peroxide. He was worried about using my towels to clean off his hands. Really? I was wondering how I would make it up to the poor injured and very wet man. After refusing the Strawberry Shortcake bandaid, sorry we're all out of manly band aids right now. He applied new plastic gloves and crawled under my house. Turns out the entire line from the sink to the main line was filled with sludge and needed to be replaced. So Mr. Ryan went home and out came Mr. Nick to replace the line. When he was finished I rejoiced in the fact that my sink was finally empty. So very thankful for plumbing that works. Okay it's not really working but I am allowed to was my dishes.
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