Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My brother, he's the cable guy...
What's your favorite television station? If you know me....really, really know me...you know mine. Okay, yeah it's the weather channel. When I discovered this in college I thought that I had gone to heaven. Local weather radar every ten minutes!!! What more could a girl ask for.
I didn't grow up with cable...I grew up with my dad who loves the weather. He would point out the different clouds, name them, explain what causes them. I am a complete weather junkie. My schedule is even planned around the weather. If anything interesting is going on with cold/warm fronts, I have it on. So when my brother was giving me all the reasons why I should run cable to my studio, He knew just the button...well, channel to push. 
Who knew? My little brother is a rock star! Okay only in the eyes of the of his neices. But what more could an uncle ask for? Daniel, who is a trained professional(don't try this at home...etc.etc.etc.). Ran cable in the studio for me yesterday. We, Adam, Daniel, and I dug a trench. Then Daniel used his mad cable guy skills. We have network, phone and cable possibilities in the studio. Daniel arrived hoping I had already dug the trench...so funny that guy. He was impressed with how fast it went. That's what happens when you have a sister who isn't afraid of digging. Now Adam he helped mark the dig line....then he used his contractor skills...which includes a lot of supervising. In reality he had been at work all night so really he was barely conscious.
The girls were in the studio watching television before I even knew it was hooked up. Daniel pointed out the silence....hmmmmmm....cable as a babysitter? I'll have to keep that in mind.

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