Saturday night Laura called at 5 p.m. to invite us over for dinner. The best part the Unbirthday Cake. Donald brought the Ypsilanti cousins, I brought Sylvania cousins, Mom, Dad, Jonathan, Daniel, Adam, Eileen, Dee, and Eileen's parents Becky and Archie came with one or two neighbor children thrown in for fun. Stacy the littlest neighbor looked shell shocked all evening. You know the deer in a headlight look. Guess that's what my family will do to a girl! Yummy dinner and the cake and ice cream were a hit. It's the only way to celebrate when you have seven birthdays in a six week span.

The last Music Under the Stars concert was last tonight. Beautiful night, great music, good company. I'll miss this. Sigh, summer is almost over.

Tricky, tricky Syd.

Aunt Eileen's the coolest especially when she has a bag of cheesy popcorn.

Yes they do actually sit still!
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