Today we had a forcast that called for a chance of rain. We had plans for digging up potatoes in the Pioneer garden. The girls wandered off to play until Mr. Matt would be there with tools for digging. I discovered that they were feeding pop tarts to the ducks. Yeah now we have nutrionally balanced ducks at the Botanicals.

On to potato harvesting....

Mr. Matt showed them how to go about it and then you would have thought it was Easter. They were racing to find the most potatoes while we were also racing against the immenent rain showers.

Paige kept trying to dig this guy out but kept recovering it with dirt.

Can you tell how proud she is? That is "her tootato."

This is what happens when you play in the dirt. Sydney well she's just not normal....there is definitely not enough dirt on those hands.

Pretty bloom I found in the Pioneer Garden border today.

So the story ends with a bucket full of potatoes, five dirty girls, and a delicious dinner. Perfect day!
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