Yes the front that was supposed to skim quickly over Toledo stalled for a few hours bringing with it much needed rain. Since my garden is dry....I am grateful. Although I know all the fun events planned for the day at TBG are going to be beyond damp.
Cute little ladies on their way into the market. I love catching them when they are still happy! It's tricky that. We bought cucumbers for pickling, kohlrabi....because Syd, Paige and I love it...think a sweet cabbage type flavor...tomatoes, new potatoes...that should have been left in the ground for another week, purple cherry tomatoes, a monstrous green fleshed watermelon, apples, sweet bi color corn, and red peppers for my roasted red pepper spread that is time consuming to create but almost better than...well you fill in the blank. In the car since it was 1:30 p.m. and the girls were starving. Kate had an apple, John some cherry tomatoes, while Syd, Paige and I each ate an ear of corn, an apple, and some tomatoes...yummmmm.
John snapped this of us on the way into the Botanicals...there are four girls and four umbrellas....rain messed up the focus on this shot....but I still love it. Can you guess who picked a black umbrella this spring? While the girls watched the Young Rep perform Willie Wonka in the conference center. John and I waited under the overhang on the patio. John snapped a few photos of my favorite little garden at the Botanicals this year. As soon as we got home I'll let you know that it stopped raining...we were all a little to tired and waterlogged to venture back out again.
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