These little ones are best friends. Addie and Paige, always hugging and snuggling together to watch TV. We borrowed Addie for today and our adventure to the gardens.

Dress up with the girls and Bella....
Bella eventually ran away, smart dog that one.
When we arrived at the gardens we were excited to have Debbie and Zach come to play with us. We gave them a tour of the greenhouse and explained the basics of how things work at the gardens. That is when Mr. Matt, Staci and Sophia, and Seana arrived. Right in a row like it was planned. Paige and Addie couldn't contain their excitement. This excitement translates into much running up and down and around everyone and everything. I saw Paige hop on a bag of Soil for the first time in months. Which is against every rule she's been given. WHOA!!! Had to reign that one in right quick.

We were all off to the other side of the garden to plant Kale and Pansies. Remember, you can't just planting most plants outside until after frost. Now, is the time for pansies and cold weather crops, kale, cabbage, lettuce, peas, radishes, beets, greens, spinach to name a few. So you can see above the hard work being accomplished by all. Seana even got to plant a few pansies.
Paige and Sophia "found" a flower. They uncovered two crocus by running past and knocking the leaves off. This one made it...the other was loved on a little too much by my girl.

Zach is great at gardening. He even got to ride in the go cart. He was feeling pretty cool. That boy and his amazing mom planted a lot of kale and pansies. Stop by the conference center at TBG to see everyone's hard work. Trust me by next week they will look so much fuller. I'll have to document the progress.

Here is the circus....Seana, Addie, Sophia, Paige all on a go cart. Pulled by an Assitance Dog we all love named Rosie. Okay, she wasn't pulling but she was having a great time.

This is the "hill" by the conference center. The bridge, which is very fun for smallish people to run under, was the hit attraction of the day. Between the drain off to the the left in this photo and the rocks under the bridge what more could the girls ask for?

The most hilarious part of the day, to me was the lack of water available. A garden needs to be watered when planted. But we're in northern Ohio and it's still March. Every line has been blown out for winter to prevent freezing. We all know that it will freeze plenty more before May, so no hoses for us. This meant a golf cart to haul water in a garbage can over to the newly settled plants.
Water + Golf Cart + a couple hundred yards of driving + Buckets = HILARITY
Volunteering at the gardens always provides a new story for the day.
Paige came out from under the bridge
after I called for her many, many times.
With this...

That's my girl.
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