Happy first day of Spring! This is a sneak peak into the wonderful world of gardening. See those trays they can hold up to 280 seedlings. Meticulous work. These are vegetables that have been started for Toledo Grows Community Gardens. I'm excited to be working with Toledo Grows teaching Jr. Master Gardening Classes this summer. It will be a lot of fun!

We came to the greenhouses to check on Sydney's potatoes. The potatoes, named Kaylyn and Kennedy are the only potatoes to survive from our day off of school planting day. Somebody's pretty proud of herself and her potatoes. There's always a contest going on around here I'm just not always aware of what it is or who's winning. Syd she won this time!

We had to stop in and visit with Josue. He was on the list of things to accomplish at the gardens for Miss Syd. He gave the girls each a gardenia flower, they are amazing, beautiful and fragile.

She did not know I was taking this picture. I like my tricky photography skills.

Paige needed two flowers. "One for me and one for Tate"

Then we went on an expedition to the compost piles. Yes, ask my girls where they want to go and they say compost mountains. We found all of this amazing moss, brought it back to the house and created new homes Paige and Sydney's littlest treasures.

Paige's Moss arranged by Paige

Sydney's moss arranged by mom.
John and Kate worked on painting a old bike in our garage to make it new again. Complete with a homemade spray booth to work in. Silver on the rims....sparkly purple on the body more images to come.

The rest of the day I spent working outside. Here is my list of things planted in my garden today...
FlowersLarkspur Giant Imperial - Olds Seed
Larkspur Old Glory - Olds Seed
Poppy, Z-scape yellow - Ferry-Morse
Poppy Oriental Red - Ferry-Morse
Poppy Oriental Orange Scarlet - Ferry-Morse
Sweet Pea, Mammoth Mix - Burpee
Sweet Pea, Henry Eckford - Burpee
Sweet Pea, Early Flowering, Mixed Colors - Burpee
EdiblesBurpeana Early, Shelling Pea - Burpee
Sugar Snap Pea, Edible Pod - Burpee
Tall Telephone Garden Pea - Baker Creek Heirloom
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