Then we were off to pick up "the Beast", one of our two ailing cars. The beast, our van, was ressurectable, not so for John's Elentra which needs a new engine. Triage occurred, I chose to make the repairs that were most affordable. After a two and a half hour visit with our favorite mechanic, Mr. Mike at Smitty's... it's a long, long story. One partially eaten baby ice cream cone with a smiley face thanks to Handel's and the littlest Rappling and I were off to the doctor's. Diagnosis, pneumonia. Really? My head aches and not just from chasing Paige. Why does she have this much energy when she's this sick? Walking pneumonia, HA!!! Around here we're calling it running pneumonia. If only I had enough energy to keep up with her.
Here is my happiness for the day.....
Link to the Container Gardening handout by M. Ross at TBG
Link to St. Patrick's day craftiness
a fun article on Miner's Lettuce.
A special thanks to my sister Karen for sending these to me!

Ok... Lots to say.
1) I am pretty sure that I kept pulling Purslane out of gardens last year!!
2) I love you but the Container Garden link doesn't work. :-*
3) I would love to be served a pint by the great looking man on the St Patrick's day page. To pick his brain of his life in Ireland, a pure delight.
4)I'm liking that DesignSponge blog. She thinks a lot like you and me!
5) Running Pneumonia - ROFLMAO - You are quite an entertaining person Miss Susan!
Working on the link it has apparently changed. Yes I weed it out too... but next year save it and add it to a salad it's tasty. Very succulenty and tangy sweet.
apologize but for some rreason our links are down right now. Also did we talk about miner's lettuce I brought it up at the last master gardener edible speacyh but i didnt thuink you were there. HOPE PAIGE IS DOING WELL!!!
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