According to Paige today's project at the
Botanicals involved MOUNTAINS.... and she got to climb on them!

Staci, Sophia, Paige enjoying the "mountains."

Today actually involved the beginning of a composting experiment. These are the compost piles at
TBG, where all disease free leaves and garden refuse come to be recycled. Compost is a fascinating subject and in future posts I'll give more details. Today, Mr. Matt, had each girl... Paige, Sophia, and Miss Sydney label their names on two tags. Each tag was then attached by a long wire to a plastic fork, knife, or spoon. Why would we then put these into the compost piles? All in the name of science. These particular plastic utensils are made from plant starches and made to actually biodegrade in compost piles or landfills. We will be checking the progress of our utensils on a weekly basis.

The best part of the whole project was digging into the compost piles to find the warmest, most actively decomposing piles. Yes I was up to my elbows in the compost piles. My girls weren't about to dig in up to their elbows. Sydney was feeling brave and dropped her fork into the hole but required Mr. Matt to bury it.

The lesson Paige took home was if you slide down compost mountains you will end up with dirt in your pants. Which she was still finding three hours later, much to her delight and my sister's dismay.

Sydney and Sophia just thought the whole adventure was fun!!!

After starting our compost experiment, the girls, all five of us were off to plant these containers by the conference center. Kale, pansies, and some birch branches. Notice that we are actually planting things OUTSIDE!!!

Sydney took this photo of the bench in the herb garden...
she does have a good eye for composition.

Then we took a walk across the gardens to introduce Sophia to
With a few photo ops along the way.

The girls loved telling Sophia all about each swan.

Siegfried came right up to the bank of the lake to say hi!

Pretty nice way to spend a spring day isn't it?
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