These are a few if the many bulbs we planted last fall. Paige can't believe that they turned into flowers.

I couldn't believe the weather today, windy but warm almost 70 degrees. A perfect day for pruning trees. Matt Ross had a tree clinic today at TBG. I didn't have a chance to attend the clinic but I still had the chance to prune Apple trees by the AAS (All American Selections) Garden. Olga will be so happy she didn't have to do them all by herself. This is Ryan a student from the pruning class. We were the afternoon pruning crew, which means Ryan was crazy enough to stay and prune with Paige and I. Paige was happy to be in "her gardens again.
I love the art of gardening. An inexperienced gardener might look at these trees and wonder what we are doing cutting "everything" off. I grew up with my dad who took his responsibilities to tend to his garden seriously. He always talked about how his trees would grow better from having been pruned back hard in the spring which forces the tree to put more energy into better growth this year. Sometimes, I feel that like my fruit trees, my life undergoes some severe spring pruning by the Lord. I always end up a better person for it. Although at the time it may seem a little harsh.

Being back on the north side of the gardens has other benefits for Paige. All of her "other side of the garden" friends were happy to see her. Miss Judy had snack time in her office, loading a plate of goodies for an on the go girl. Paige vetoed the salmon but went for the Strawberries, Key Lime Pie, and Peanut Butter Girl Scout cookies. Toni, Erica and Mr. Joe all had a visit with Paige. Next time we'll have to stop in to the Admin offices but one building at a time.

Judy showed Paige a painting in her office of someone hugging a tree. Paige came right out and hugged her own. "Look mom I'm hugging it!!!"

This is Siegfried. Paige wanted to go say hi to her swan friends. We stopped and walked down the hill a little way for a quick visit. Siegfried came full speed out of the water to protect his territory. Full speed for a swan is hilarious especially when he had a hard time getting over the edge of the lake. He puffed up and did his dance to scare us off. Paige wanted to run up an scare him but since Siegfried might actually be larger than she is I distracted her. I saw two elderly ladies enjoying the Susan and Siegfried show from across the lake. He would get all large and charge at me. I would tell him to back off and making myself look as much of the boss as I could stand my ground and then take a step forward. It was at least five minutes of me telling him that I was the boss, for him to turn around and back off. Really, did he think I would be the first to cave. Apparently he doesn't know me so well.

Cyggy looking more grown up each day. Swimming around looking regal and majestic. Such attitude on a little swan. Prince Cyggy is very appropriate. Thursday night was spent in Soil Science lab and Bowling. I did bowl a 101 for the first and probably last time. Woohooo!
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